Hey Children! Welcome to the humble abode of the not-so-humble people of 13A-land. We hope you have a good time here, and that you do not spew your coffee / milo / water all over the keyboard while viewing. Have fun!

Thursday, February 16, 2006


hullo children. we are gp-less again. sigh. i totally miss and want to do some AQ's. cravings cravings. NOT. hehe. since someone who we saw at holland v. isn't here, me and hazmi are here in the library blogging, being responsible 13A citizens. ah fuck. nothing to write about ANGST ANGST. WHO STOLE OUR COUCH? WE KNOW WHO, BUT WHO STOLE OUR COUCH? ARGH WE ARE DEFICIENT IN SOFT GREEN STUFF (no, not you,nina.) ARGH. and no, nash, we don't blame you, even if MT took the couch, cos watever happens you're still our CT rep babeh. but still, WE HAVE NO COUCH, AND ARGGHSJKALKJAH. WEFLJKADLJKAJAJH. NO COUCH. COUCHLESS. wat are potatoes like us going to do without a couch?! whine whine.

reeeeech and hazmi


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