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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Hello everyone!

It's so early! But anyway, thereis no food in my house, no proper food anyway. So I am having Godiva chocolates for breakfast. Um, only I probably shouldn't because my voice will probably die and then Zul will kill me, and so will the rest of the threesome people...

Can you believe that we are J2 already?! Omg, where did this year go? Anyway, this means we are one step closer to legaldom, only of course, when I turn legal it will be right smack in the middle of the A levels and everyone will invariably forget my birthday....which is in 18 DAYS EXACTLY!

Gosh, so shameless, but well, my purpose today was to tell everyone about Threesome not advertise my birthday. Because it's TODAY!

If you haven't got your tickets...well, get them very very soon, because THREESOME starts in exactly 8 hours and 16 minutes! (This reminds me, I should get changed now, because I'm still in my winniethepooh pyjamas)

And NO PICTURE, did you hear that Js?! NO PICTURES, AT ALL!


Blogger σοφια said...

hmph, your seniors resent the comment "we're already J2s" coz we feel... forgotten. =(

4:27 PM


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