1st Class Gathering!!! :D

Believe it or not, this is our FIRST class gathering. We've had lots of humanz parties but it's just never the same :) The turnout was quite good considering the number of times we changed the dates and stuff. ATE LOTS too.
Thanks so much Rich and Aunty Lilian (his mum) for preparing such a spread on top of the stuff we brought, for BBQing all the wonderful satay, sausages and things and for cleaning up after us (we're REALLY SORRY for the mess). Rich's neighbourhood is so nice! Bobo's mum was commenting that the whole HDB estate is very nice and new yet so incredibly homey.. haha the new generation of green flats. Zhao Yi even said it sorta feels like a kampung community.
Last but not least, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AYSURIA DEAR! :):):)